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Hindu Wedding Priest

The wedding ceremony starts by performing the Ganesh Puja, which is a prayer to Lord Ganesh, the Hindu deity known as the remover of obstacles. This prayer is meant to seek the blessings of the divine for a successful and obstacle-free wedding ceremony.

This is followed by the Mangalphera, which is the walking of the couple around the sacred fire seven times. Each circle around the fire represents a vow that the couple takes to fulfill their duties to each other and their families.

The Pandit Ji also performs the Saat Phere, which is the exchange of vows between the couple. The bride and groom exchange garlands, and the Pandit Ji recites the sacred mantras that signify the couple’s commitment to each other.

The wedding ceremony concludes with the Sindoor and Mangalsutra rituals. The groom applies Sindoor, which is a red powder, on the parting of the bride’s hair, and ties the Mangalsutra, which is a sacred necklace, around her neck. These rituals signify that the couple is now officially married.

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