Pandit Manuj Dutt

Introducing Pandit Manuj Dutt, a distinguished Vedic Astrologer and Priest dedicated to serving the community across the USA. Hailing from the sacred Braj Kshetra, the land of Lord Krishna’s birth in Uttar Pradesh, India, Pandit Manuj comes from a long lineage of eminent priests. With over 20 years of experience, he has mastered the art of conducting traditional Indian and fusion weddings, Vastu Puja, Navagraha Puja, and various Homas and Havans with great reverence and authenticity. Pandit Manuj’s profound knowledge and experience shine through in his ability to tailor services to the unique needs of his clientele, ensuring each ceremony resonates deeply with cultural significance and personal relevance. As an expert in Vedic astrology, he provides insightful consultations, helping individuals navigate life’s milestones with wisdom and clarity. Whether it’s a vibrant wedding ceremony or a serene spiritual puja, Pandit Manuj Dutt’s services are a bridge between ancient traditions and modern needs, enriching lives one ritual at a time.

Authentic Vedic puja Service, Astrology & Weddings

🌌 Explore career, love, finance & health with Vedic Astrology consultations.

💞 Unveil marital harmony with our Match Making Kundli Milan service.

📅 Get insightful yearly predictions tailored to your unique horoscope.

🔮 Seek authentic astrological remedies and rectifications for life’s hurdles.


Contact Pandit Ji